13 November, 2013

Need for doing good deeds. - Buddha and his dhamma,

6. Need for doing good deeds.
1. On one occasion, thus spake the Exalted One, to the Brethren.
2. " Be not afraid of good works, brethren. It is another name for happiness, for what is desired, beloved, dear and delightful, this word ' good works'. I myself brethren can bear witness to having reaped for many a long day the profit of good works a thing desired, beloved, dear and delightful. 
3. " I often ask ' Of what deeds is all this the fruit ? Of what deed is it the ripening, in that I am now thus happy and contented.' 
4. "The answer that comes to me is: 'Of three deeds this is the fruit. Of three deeds this is the ripening, the deeds of Charity, Self-taming, and Self-control.' 
5. " Auspicious, festive, happy, blessed dawn ! Fair day, glad time is that when alms are given to worthy ones : when goodly acts, words, thoughts, right aspirations, bring auspicious gain to those that practise them. 
6. " Happy are they that win such gain, and prosperous in the way ! So be ye also prosperous in the way free from disease and happy with your kin."

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