13 November, 2013

Man—just and good. - Buddha and his dhamma,

5. Man—just and good.
1. Addressing the Brethren, the Lord said, " There are four classes of persons whom you must learn to distinguish if you wish to ascertain who are good and just. 
2. " Brethren, there is a class of persons who strive for their own welfare but not that of-others.
3. " Brethren, herein a certain person practises the extirpation of lust inhimself, but does not urge the extirpation of lust in others : practises the extirpation of ill-will in himself but does not urge the extirpation of ill-will in others ; and also practises the extirpation of ignorance in himself but does not urge the extirpation of ignorance in others. 

4. " Indeed, Brethren, this is the person who pursues his own welfare, but not the welfare of others. 
5. " Brethren, there is a class of persons who have striven for others' welfare, but not their own. 
6. " Brethren, herein a certain person does not practise the extirpation of lust, ill-will and ignorance in himself, but urges the extirpation of lust, ill-will and ignorance in others. 
7. " Indeed, Brethren, this is the person who has. striven for others' welfare, but not his own. 
8. " Brethren, there is a class of persons who strive not, neither for their own welfare nor that of others. 
9. " Brethren, herein a certain person practises not the extirpation of lust, ill-will and ignorance in himself nor urges the extirpation of lust, ill-will and ignorance in others. 
10. " Brethren, this is the person that has not striven for his own welfare nor that of others. 
11. " Brethren, there is a class of persons who strive for their own welfare as well as that of others. 
12. " Brethren, herein a certain person both practises the extirpation of lust, ill-will and ignorance in himself and also urges the extirpation of lust, ill-will and ignorance in others. 
13. " Brethren, this is the person who has striven for his own welfare as well as that of others. 
14. " This last person is to be deemed just and good."

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