08 July, 2013

Lord Buddha Getting Enlightenment


  • To feed himself during the period of meditation Siddartha Gautama had collected food to last him for forty days. Having routed the evil thoughts that disturbed his mind Gautama refreshed himself with food and gained strength. 
  • He thus prepared himself for meditationwith the aim of obtaining enlightenment.
  • It took Gautama four weeks of meditation to obtain enlightenment. 
  • He reached final enlightenment in four stages
  1. In the first stage he called forth reason and investigation. His seclusion helped him to attain it easily.
  2. In the second stage he added concentration.
  3. In the third stage he brought to his aid equanimity and mindfulness.
  4. In the fourth and final stage he added purity to equanimity and equanimity to mindfulness. 
  • Thus his mind became concentrated, purified, spotless, with defilement gone, supple, dexterous, firm, impassionate, not forgetting what he is after, Gautama concentrated himself on the problem of findings an answer to the question which had troubled him.

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