08 November, 2013

News of Peace. - Buddha and his dhamma,

:: 5. News of Peace. ::
1. While Gautama was staying in Rajagraha there came five other Parivrajakas who also put up a hut by the side of the hut which Gautama had erected for himself.
2. These five Parivrajakas were Kaundinya, Ashvajit, Kasyapa, Mahanam and Bhaduka.

3. They too were struck by Gautama's appearance and wondered what could have led him to take Parivraja.
4. They questioned him over the issue in the same way as did King Bimbisara.
5. When he explained to them the circumstances which led him to take Parivraja, they said, " We have heard of it. But do you know what has happened since you left ? " they asked.
6. Siddharth said, " No. " Then they told him that after he left Kapilavatsu there was a great agitation among the Sakyas against going to war with the Koliyas.
7. There were demonstrations and processions by men and women, boys and girls, carrying flags with such slogans as, " Koliyas are our brothers," " It is wrong for a brother to fight against brother. "Think of the exile of Siddharth Gautama," etc.
8. The result of the agitation was that the Sakya Sangh had to call a meeting and reconsider the question. This time the majority was for compromise with the Koliyas. 9. The Sangh decided to select five Sakyas to act as their envoys and negotiate peace with the Koliyas. 10. When the Koliyas heard of this they were very glad. They too selected five Koliyas deal with the envoys of the Sakyas.
11. The envoys on the two sides met and agreed to appoint a permanent Council of Arbitration with authority to settle every dispute regarding the sharing of the waters of the river Rohini and both sides to abide by its decision. Thus the threatened war had ended in peace.
12. After informing Gautama of what had happened at Kapilavatsu, the Parivrajakas said, "There is now no need for you to continue to be a Parivrajaka. Why don't you go home and join your family?"
13. Siddharth said : "I am happy to have this good news. It is a triumph for me. But I will not go back to my home. I must not. I must continue to be a Parivrajaka."

14. Gautama asked the five Parivrajakas, what their programme was. They replied, "We have decided to do tapasya. Why don't you join us?" Siddharth said, " By and by ; I must examine other ways first." 15. The five Parivrajakas then left.

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