08 November, 2013

The problem in a New Perspective. - Buddha and his dhamma,

:: 6. The problem in a New Perspective. ::
1. The news brought by the five Parivrajakas that the Koliyas and Sakyas had made peace, made Gautama very uneasy.
2. Left alone, he began to reflect on his own position and to make sure if any reason was left for him to continue his Parivraja.
3. He had left his people for what ?, he asked himself.
4. He had left his home because he was opposed to war. " Now that the war is over is there any problem left to me ? Does my problem end because war has ended ? " 5. On a deep reflection he thought not.
6. " The problem of war is essentially a problem of conflict. It is only a part of a larger problem.
7. " This conflict is going on not only between kings and nations but between nobles and Brahmins, between householders, between mother and son, between son and mother, between father and son, between sister and brother, between companion and companion. 8. "The conflict between nations is occasional. But the conflict between classes is constant and perpetual. It is this which is the root of all sorrow and suffering in the world.
9. " True, I left home on account of war. But I cannot go back home although the war between the Sakyas and Kpliyas has ended. I see now that my problem has become wider. I have to find a solution for this problem of social conflict.
10. "How far do the old-established philosophies offer a solution of this problem?

11. Can he accept any one of the social philosophies ?
 12. He was determined to examine everything for himself.

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