13 November, 2013

The best man. - Buddha and his dhamma,

3. The best man.
1. The Blessed One while he was on journey gave as was his practice the following discourse to the Bhikkhus who were accompanying him : 
2. Addressing the Bhikkhus the Lord said: " There are four classes of persons, brethren, to be found in the world. 
3. " He who has not striven for his own welfare nor that of others; he who has striven for others' welfare, but not his own; he who has striven for his own welfare but not others'; he who has striven for both his own welfare and that of others. 
4. " One who has striven neither for his own welfare nor for that of others is like a torch from a funeral pyre, lit at both ends, and in the middle smeared with dung. He kindles no fuel either in village or in forest. He is useless to the world. And he is useless to himself. 
5. " One who has striven for the welfare of others at the cost of his own is both excellent and eminent of the two. 
6. " Then again, brethren, in the case of the person who has striven both for his own welfare and for that of others—of these four persons this is best and chief, topmost and highest and supreme."

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