25 November, 2013

Section V —Sermons on Dhamma. - Why right views rank first. - Buddha and his dhamma,

:: Section V —Sermons on Dhamma. ::1. Why right views rank first.
1. Of the noble Eightfold path the noblest is Right Outlook. 

2. Right thinking is the preface and the key to every thing else in the higher life, and ignorance. 
3. The lack of understanding is the root of all evil. 
4. For developing right outlook one must see all phenomena of life as a process of causal law. To have right outlook is to recognise the law of cause and effect.
5. " Whatsoever individual, brethren, follows perverted views, perverted aim, perverted speech or acts or living, perverted effort, attention, and contemplation : whose knowledge and emancipation are perverted, for him every action of deed, word or thought, performed and achieved according to such perverted views ; every willed act, every aspiration, every resolve, all his activities, these things one and all conduce to what is distasteful, unpleasing, repulsive, unprofitable, and painful. And why so ? Because of his evil view." 

6. To be right is not enough. A baby may be right but that does not mean that a baby knows what is right. To be right one must know what is right. 
7. " Anarda, who can be rightly described as an almsman? Only he who has mastered what is rationally possible and what is rationally impossible."

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