13 November, 2013

Need for making good resolutions. - Buddha and his dhamma,

7. Need for making good resolutions.
1. Once when he was at Shravasti in Jeta's Grove the Exalted One said to the Brethren : 
2. " Brethren, there is a great need of good resolutions to be made and observed for a pure and happy life. 3. " I will tell you what your resolutions should be. 
4. "Resolve that, 'all my life long may I support my parents. May I respect the head of my can. May I be of gentle speech. May I speak evil of none. Clearing my heart of the stain of selfishness, may I dwell at home generous pure-handed, delighting in giving up, may I be a proper man to ask a boon of, delighting in sharing gifts with others. 
5. "'All my life long, may I be angerless, and, if anger arise, may I quickly check it "
 6. Such are the seven resolutions Brethren, by undertaking and performing which you will attain the state of happiness and purity.

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