09 November, 2013

Meeting Yeshodhara and Rahula. - Buddha and his dhamma,

:: 2. Meeting Yeshodhara and Rahula. ::
1. Then Suddhodana conducted the Blessed Lord into his house and all the members of the family greeted him with- great reverence. 
2. But Yeshodhara, the mother of Rahula, did not make her appearance." Suddhodana sent for Yeshodhara. but she replied: " Surely, if I am deserving of any regard, Siddhartha will come and see me." 
3. The Blessed One, having greeted all his relatives and friends, asked: " Where is Yeshodhara ?" and on being informed that she had refused to come, he rose straightaway and went to her apartment.
4. " I am free," the Blessed One said to his disciples Sariputta and Moggallana whom he had bidden to accompany him into Yeshodhara's chamber; " But Yeshodhara, however, is not as yet free. Not having seen me for a long time, she is exceedingly sorrowful. Unless her grief be allowed to run its course her heart will cleave. Should she touch the Tathagata, the Holy One, you must not prevent her." 

5. Yeshodhara sat in her room in deep reflection. When the Blessed One entered, she was, from the abundance of her affection, like an overflowing vessel, unable to contain herself. 
6. Forgetting that the man whom she loved was Buddha, the Lord of the World, the Preacher of Truth, she held him by his feet and wept bitterly.
7. Remembering, however, that Suddhodana was present, she felt ashamed and rose up, sitting herself reverently at a little distance. 
8. Suddhodana apologized for Yeshodhara, saying: " This arises from her deep affection, and is more than a temporary emotion. During the seven years that she has lost her husband, when she heard that Siddharth had shaved his head, she did likewise; when she heard that he had left off the use of perfumes and ornaments she also refused their use. Like her husband she has eaten at appointed times from an earthen bowl only. 
9. " If this is more than a temporary emotion it is not for want of courage."
10. And the Blessed One spoke to Yeshodhara telling of her great merits and the great courage she showed when he took Parivraja. Her purity, her gentleness, her devotion had been invaluable to him as a Bodhisattva when he aspired to the highest aim of mankind to attain enlightenment. This, then, was her karma, and it was the result of great merits. 

11. Her grief had been unspeakable, and the glory that surrounded her spiritual inheritance increased by her noble attitude during her life and had made her a unique person. 
12. Then Yeshodhara dressed Rahula, now seven years old, in all the splendour of a prince and said to him: 13. " This holy man, whose appearance is so glorious that he looks like the Great Brahma, is your father. He possesses great mines of wealth which I have not yet seen. Go to him and entreat him to put you in the possession thereof for the son ought to inherit the property of the father." 
14. Rahula replied : " Who is my father. I know of no father but Suddhodana." 
15. Yeshodhara took the boy in her arms and from the window she pointed out to the Lord, who happened to be near, partaking of food among the Bhikkus, informing him that he was his father and not Suddhodana. 16. Rahula then went to him and looking up in his face, said without fear and with much affection: 
17. " Aren't thou my father!" And standing near by him, he added: " O Samana, even your shadow is full of bliss !" The Blessed One remained silent.
18. When the Tathagata had finished his repast, he gave blessings and went away from the palace, but Rahula followed and asked him for his inheritance. 
19. No one prevented the boy, nor did the Blessed One himself.
20. Then the Blessed One turned to Sariputta, saying: " My son asks for his inheritance.. I cannot give him perishable treasures that will bring cares and sorrows, but I can give him the inheritance of a holy life, which is a treasure that will not perish." 

21. Addressing Rahula with earnestness, the Blessed One said : " Gold and silver and jewels have I none. But if you are willing to receive spiritual treasures, and are strong to carry them and to keep them, I have plenty. My spiritual treasure is the path of righteousness. Do you desire to be admitted to the brotherhood of those who devote their life to the culture of the mind seeking for the highest bliss attainable ?" 
22. And Rahula replied with firmness: " I do.'" 
23. When Suddhodana heard that Rahula had joined the brotherhood of the Bhikkus he was greatly grieved.

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