25 November, 2013

It is not what you eat that makes you holy. - Buddha and his dhamma,

4. It is not what you eat that makes you holy.
1. A Brahmin happened to meet the Lord and raised the question of the effect of food on a man's character. 2. The Brahmin said : " The millet-grain, palm-nuts, pulse, bulbs, and wilding shoots—this diet rightly got, ever prompts the good life. Tis eating carrion that is bad."
3. The Blessed One replied: " Though you (Lord) say you touch no carrion, you eat choice dishes made with flesh of birds—1 ask what you term 'carrion."
4. " Killing and maiming, stripes, bonds, theft, lies, fraud, deceit, adultery—not meats, but these are carrion.
5. " Pursuit of pleasure, lust for guzzlings, life unclean, blatant dissent—not meats, but these are carrion.
6. " Backbiting, cruelty, betrayals, ruthless pride, mean stinginess—not meats, but these are carrion.
7. " Anger, conceit, revolt, guile, envy, bluster, pride, low company—not meats, but these are carrion.
8. " Base living, slander, fraud, cheating, the trickster's wiles, foul infamies—not meats, but these are carrion.
9. " This rage to slay and steal, these crimes, are fraught with doom and end in hell—not meats, but these are carrion.
10. " No abstinence from meat and fish, no nudity, no topknots, shaven crowns, or garb of pelt, no cult of sacred fire, no stark austerities to purchase future bliss, no rinsing, burnt-offering, rites,' can cleanse the man who doubts.
11. " Control thy sense, rule thy powers, hold to Truth, be kind. The saint who leaves all ties and vanquishes all ills, is stained by naught he either sees or hears."
12. Hearing the Lord preach these lofty, saving truths, denouncing 'carrion', and sweeping ills away, the Brahmin meekly knelt and asked to be enrolled as Almsman then and there.

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