13 November, 2013

Husband and wife. - Buddha and his dhamma,

3. Husband and wife.
1. At one time, the Exalted One had entered the high road between Madhura and Neranja. Also many householders and their wives had joined the high road between Madhura and Neranja. 
2. Then the Exalted One having left the road took a seat under a certain tree, and these householders and their wives saw the Exalted One seated under it. 
3. So seeing they came to where the Exalted One 'was. Having come they made obeisance to the Exalted One and sat at one side and asked the Blessed One the right relations between the husband and wife. To the householders and their wives so seated the Exalted One spake thus :
4. " Householders, there are four ways for a husband and wife, of living together. A vile man lives with a vile woman, avile man lives with a goddess, a god lives with a vile woman and a god lives with a goddess. 

5. " Householdrs! a husband kills, steals; commits impurity, lies and indulges in fermented liquor, is wicked and sinful, with his heart possessed by avarice he lives the life of a householder and abuses and reviles virtuous people. Also his wife kills ; . steals, commits impurity, lies, and indulges in fermen- ted liquor, is wicked and sinful, with her heart possessed by avarice she lives the life of the family and abuses and reviles virtuous people. Thus indeed, householders, a vile man lives with a vile woman. 
6. " Householders! A husband kills, steals, commits impurity, lies and indulges in fermented liquor, is wicked and sinful, with his heart possessed by avarice, he lives the life of a householder and abuses and reviles virtuous people. But his wife abstains from killing, thieving, sexual impurity, lying and indulgence in fermented liquor. His wife is virtuous and of good behaviour , with her heart freed from the taint of avarice she lives the family life and abuses not nor reviles virtuous people. Thus indeed, house-holders, a vile man lives with a goddess. 
7. " Householders ! A husband abstains from killing, thieving, impurity, lying and indulgence in fermented liquor, is virtuous and of good behaviour; with his mind freed from the stains of avarice, he lives the family life and abuses not nor revile virtuous people. But his wife kills, steals, commits impurity, lies and indulges in fermented liquor, is wicked and sinful ; with her heart possessed by avarice she lives the family life and abuses and reviles virtuous people. Thus indeed, householders, a god lives with a vile woman. 
8. " Householders! Herein, a husband and a wife both abstain from killing, thieving, impurity, lying and indulgence in fermented liquor, are virtuous and of good behaviour, with mind freed from taints of avarice they live the family life and abuse not nor revile virtuous people. Thus indeed, householders, a god lives with a goddess. 
9. " These, householders, are the four ways of living together."

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