13 November, 2013

How to reach perfection in Righteous Conduct. - Buddha and his dhamma,

4. How to reach perfection in Righteous Conduct.
1. Once while the Lord was staying at Shravasti in Jeta's Grove there came to him five hundred lay-followers. One of them was Dhammika. 
2. Dhammika asked the Lord : " What principles make your followers reach perfection in righteous conduct. 
3. " I ask thee this question because thou art the most matchless judge of the weal of men. 
4. " Trained Jains and Mendicants all failed to vanquish thee. Trained Brahmins, ripe in years—with others keen to air their point of view—are led to embrace thy saving truth. For, 'tis thy saving Truth,— subtle, but preached so well for which all yearn. Vouchsafe an answer, Lord, to us !
 5. " Let the lay-followers learn from thy lips thy Lore immaculate ! " 
6. The Blessed Lord in compassion for his lay-followers said : " Give me your ear. I will explain the principles of righteous conduct. Hear and follow them. " Slay not, nor doom to death, nor sanction slaughter. Do no violence to aught that lives—strong or weak. 
8. " No layman, wittingly, should thieve, or order theft, or sanction any theft,—take but what others give. 
9. " And shun incontinence as 'twere a pit of fire, or, failing continence, debauch no wedded wife. 
10. " In conclaves, courts, or talk let him not lie; let him not prompt or sanction lies—let him renounce untruth.
11. " Layman, observe this law: Shun drink; make no man drink; sanction no drinking. Mark how drink to madness leads. 
12. " Through drink fools sin, and egg lax brethren on to sin. So flee this maddening vice, this folly, bliss of fools. 
13. " Slay not, nor steal, nor lie; from strong drink keep away; refrain from lechery; touch not wrong meals at night !
14. "Eschew both scents and wreaths; spread on the ground thy bed; so make thy sabbath vows as week succeeds to week, and keep with pious hearts this eightfold festival. 
15. "At morn, these vows performed, with pious, thankful heart be wise and of thy means give Almsmen food and drink. 
16. " Cherish thy parents well; follow a righteous trade. Thus shall the layman staunch reach realms of light above.

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