09 November, 2013

Conversion of Sunita, the Sweeper. - Buddha and his dhamma,

:: 2. Conversion of Sunita, the Sweeper. ::
1. There lived in Rajagraha a scavenger by name Sunita. He earned his living as a road sweeper, sweeping away the rubbish thrown by the householders on the roadside. His was a low and hereditary occupation. 
2. One day in the early hours of the dawn the Blessed One rose, dressed himself and walked into Rajagraha for alms followed by a large number of Bhikkus. 
3. Now Sunita was cleaning the street, collecting scraps, rubbish, and so on into heaps and filling therewith the basket which he carried on a yoke. 
4. And when he saw the Master and his train approaching, his heart was filled with joy and awe. 
5. Finding no place to hide in on the road, he placed his yoke in a bend in the wall and stood as if stuck to the wall, saluting the Lord with clasped hands. 
6. Then the Lord when he had come near, spoke to him in voice divinely sweet, saying: " Sunita! What to you is this wretched mode of living ? Can you endure to leave home and come into the Order?" 
7. And Sunita, experiencing the rapture of one who has been sprinkled with Ambrosia, said: "If even such as the Exalted One may in this life take Orders, why should I not ? May the Exalted One suffer me to come forth." 
8. Then the Master said: " Come Bhikku !" And Sunita by that word received sanction and ordination and was invested with bowl and robes. 
9. The Master leading him to the Vihar taught him the Dhamma and the Discipline and said, "By the discipline of holy life, restraint and mastery of self, a man becomes holy." 
10. When asked how Sunita became so great, the Buddha said, "As on a rubbish-heap on highway cast a lily may grow, fragrant and sweet, so among rubbish-creatures, worldlings blind by insight shines the very Buddha's child."

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