08 November, 2013

Arrival at Sarnath. - Buddha and his dhamma,

:: 1. Arrival at Sarnath. ::
1. Having decided to preach his doctrine the Buddha asked himself " to whom shall I first teach the doctrine ? " The thought of Alara Kalam whom the Buddha adored as the learned, wise, intelligent and of little impurity ; " What if I first teach him the doctrine ? " But he was told that Alara Kalam was dead. 
2. Then thought he of preaching it to Uddaka Ramputta. But he too was dead.
3. Then he thought of the five old companions of his who were with him at Niranjana when he was practising austerities and who had left him in anger on his abandonment of austerities.

4. "They did much for me, attended me and looked after me, what if I first teach the doctrine to them ? " said he to himself.
5. "He asked for their whereabouts. Having learnt that they were dwelling at Sarnath in the deer park of Isipatana, he left in search of them. 

6. The five, seeing him coming, decided among themselves not to welcome him. Said one of them, "This, friends, is the ascetic Gautama coming, who has abandoned austerities and has turned to life of abundance and luxury. He has committed a sin. We must not therefore greet him, nor rise in respect, nor take his bowl and robe. We will only set apart a seat for him. If he wishes, he may sit down." And they all agreed. 
7. But when the Buddha approached, the five Parivrajakas were not able to abide by their decision, so greatly impressed were they by his personality that they all rose in their seats. One took his bowl, one took his robe, and one prepared a seat, and one brought water to wash his feet. 
8. It was really a great welcome to an unwelcome guest.
9. Thus those who intended to scoff remained to pray.

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