28 October, 2013

What is the Second Noble Truth?

QUESTION: What is the Second Noble Truth?
ANSWER: The Second Noble Truth is that craving causes all suffering. then we look at psychological suffering, it is easy to see how it is caused by craving. 1hen we want something but arc unable to get it, we feel disappointed or frustrated. When we expect someone to live up to our expectation and they do not, we feel let down and angry. When we want others to like us and they don’t, we feel hurt. Even when we ‘want some thin and are able to ct it, this docs not often lead to happiness either because it is not long before we feel bored with that thing, lose interest in it and commence to want something else. Put simply, the Second Noble Truth says that getting what you want does not guarantee happiness. Rather than constantly struggling to get what you want, try to modify your wanting. ‘Wanting deprives us of contentment and happiness.

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