29 October, 2013

Well, have there been any scientist who believe in rebirth?

Question: Well, have there been any scientist who believe in rebirth?
ANSWER: Yes. Thomas Huxley, who Was responsible for having science introduced into the British school system in the 19th century and who was the first scientist to defend Darwin’s theories, believed that reincarnation was a very plausible idea. In his famous book Evolution and Ethics and other Essays, he says:

 Professor Gustaf Stromboli, the famous Swedish astronomer, physicist and friend of Einstein also found the idea of rebirth appealing.

Professor Julian Huxley, the distinguished British scientist who was Director General of UNESCO believed that rebirth was quite in harmony with scientific thinking.

Even very practical and down-to-earth people like the American industrialist Henry Ford found the idea or rebirth acceptable. Ford was attracted to the idea because it gives one a second chance to develop oneself. Henry Ford said:

So the Buddhist teachings of rebirth does have some scientific basis, it is logically consistent and it goes a long way to answering some important questions about human destiny. But it is also very comforting. According to Buddha, if you failed to attain Nirvana in this life, you will have the opportunity to try again next time. If you have made mistakes in this life, you will be able to correct yourself in the next life. You will truly be able to learn from your mistakes. Things you were unable to do or achieve in this life may well become possible in the next life. 1hat a wonderful teaching!

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