30 October, 2013

That’s a very attractive idea but at the same time it’s a rather alarming one too. How does an enlightened person function without a sense of self or without a sense of ownership?

QUESTION: That’s a very attractive idea but at the same time it’s a rather alarming one too. How does an enlightened person function without a sense of self or without a sense of ownership?
ANSWER: Well, an enlightened person may well ask us, ‘How can you function with a sense of self? How are you able endure all the unpleasantness of fear, jealousy, grief and pride, your own and other peoples? Don’t you ever get sick of the endless scramble to accumulate more and more, of the need to always be better than or ahead of the next person, of the nagging feeling that you might just loose it all?’ It seems that enlightened people get along quite alright in life. It’s the unenlightened ones, you and I, who have all the problems and cause all the problems.

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