30 October, 2013

That sounds rather frightening.

Question: That sounds rather frightening.
ANSWER: Yes it does doesn’t it. And in fact when some people first have this experience they may be a little frightened. But soon the fear is replaces by a profound realization — the realization that they are not What they have always taken themselves to be. Gradtially the ego beg ins to weaken and in time it dissolves completely as does the sense of ‘I’. ‘Me’ and ‘Mine.’ It is at this point that the Buddhist’s life and indeed their whole outlook really begins to change. Just consider how many personal, social and even international conflicts have their origins in the ego, in racial or national pride, iii the sense of being wronged, humiliated or threatened and in the shrill cry ‘This is mine!’ ‘That belongs to us!’ According to Buddhism real peace and happiness can only be found when we discover our true identity. This is what is called enlightenment.

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