31 October, 2013

That might be so with those who teach, write books or do social work. But what about the monks and nuns who do nothing but meditates. What good arc they to the community?

QUESTION: That might be so with those who teach, write books or do social work. But what about the monks and nuns who do nothing but meditates. What good arc they to the community?
ANSWER: You might compare the meditating monk to the research scientist. Society supports the research scientist as he sits in his laboratory conducting experiments because it hopes that he will eventually discover or invent something that will be for the general good. Likewise, the Buddhist community supports the meditating monks (and his needs arc’ very meager) because it hopes that he will attain wisdom and insights that will be for the general good. But even before this happens or even if it doesn't, the meditating monks can still benefit others. In some modern societies it is ‘The Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous’ with its extravagance, its conspicuous consumption and its self-indulgence which is held up as the ideal to follow, or at least to envy. The example that the meditating monk sets reminds (is that one doesn't have to be rich to be content. It shows us that a gentle and simple lifestyle has its advantages too.

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