31 October, 2013

But I still think that a Buddhist should be vegetarian.

Question: But I still think that a Buddhist should be vegetarian.
ANSWER: If there was a person who was a very strict vegetarian but Who was selfish, dishonest and mean, and another person who was not vegetarian but who was thoughtful to others, honest, generous and kind, which of these two people would be the better Buddhist?

QUESTION: The person who was honest and kind.

QUESTION: Because such a person obviously has a good heart.
ANSWER: Exactly. One who Cats meat can have a pure heart just as one who does not Cat meat can have an impure heart. In the Buddha’s teachings, the important thing is the quality of your heart, not the contents of your diet. Many people take great care never to cat meat but they may not be too concerned about being selfish, dishonest, cruel or jealous. They change their diet which is easy to do while neglecting to change their hearts which is a difficult thing to do. So whether you are a vegetarian or hot, remember that the purification of the mind is the most important thing in Buddhism.

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