The Three-Fold Path: Ethics, Meditation, & Wisdom
Ethics, Meditation, & Wisdom : The Three-Fold Path
- When we have a consistent practice of the Precepts AKA Ethics (Silā) our Mind is more receptive to Meditative Absorption (Samādhi), which then gives rise to Insight, or Wisdom (pañña Pali, prajña Sanskrit). Each step, or fold, gives rise to the next level of Awakening.
- Basically, you can't be absorbed in Samādi if your Ethical/Moral conduct is highly Unskillful, and you can't Attain Insight, Sotapānna, Stream Entry, or Bodhi without the aid of cultivating Meditation, the Exalted States of Consciousness (Samādhi)
- When we practice in the way of sīla (morality), samādhi and paññā, we will notice that the way of practicing samādhi is much harder than merely maintaining sīla. This is because we have to abandon all moods that give rise to Conceptual Proliferation, attraction & aversion, anger & ill-will, restlessness & anxiety, sloth & torpor, doubt, worry & indecision.
- It can be compared to the body. If the body has five kinds of sickness, it won’t find any ease at all and will give rise to discomfort. These five sicknesses become the center of our attention because we can’t find any comfort or ease in the midst of the painful feelings throughout. But as time passes, each one of the sicknesses passes away, one by one, and we begin to feel better as we become free of each. Then the body starts to feel at ease. It’s the same as this Mind.
- Nīvarana = Hindrances. Five qualities which are obstacles to the mind and blind our mental vision.
- They are desire for sensual experience, anger & ill-will, sloth & torpor, restlessness & anxiety, and skeptical doubt & indecision.
- Can Anyone Name one or more of the Five Antidotes to the Five Hindrances?
Right Wisdom |
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