21 August, 2013

Syllabus M.A. (Ambedkar Thought) Examination 1st Semester Theory

Syllabus M.A. (Ambedkar Thought) Examination 1st Semester Theory Internal Total (Exam) Assessment Compulsory papers Paper I (A) : Social Thought Marks-80 20 100 Paper II (A) : Educational Thought Marks-80 20 100 Paper III : Dr. Ambedkar on literature Marks-80 20 100 Optional paper Paper IV : Constitutionalism and Indian Constitution (A) Marks-80 20 100 OR Research Methodology (A) Marks-80 20 100 2nd Semester Compulsory papers Paper I (B) : Social Thought Marks-80 20 100 Paper II (B) : Educational Thought Marks-80 20 100 Paper III : Impact of Dr. Ambedkar on Modern literature Marks-80 20 100 Optional paper Paper IV : Constitutionalism and Indian Constitution (B) Marks-80 20 100 OR Research Methodology (B ) Marks-80 20 100 3rd Semester Compulsory papers Paper I (A) : Economic Thought Marks-80 20 100 Paper II (A) : Religious Thought Marks-80 20 100 Paper III (A) : Political Thought Marks-80 20 100 Paper IV(A) : Dr. Ambedkar on Historicism Marks-80 20 100 4th Semester Compulsory papers Paper I (B) : Economic Thought Marks-80 20 100 Paper II (B) : Religious Thought Marks-80 20 100 Paper III (B) : Political Thought Marks-80 20 100 Paper IV(B) : Dr. Ambedkar on Historicism Marks-80 20 100
Syllabus Prescribed for M.A. (Ambedkar Thought) Examination 1st Semester PAPER – I (A) SOCIAL THOUGHT Unit 1. Development of Social Thought in India:
a) Ancient period
b) Medieval period
c) Modern period.
Unit 2. Social Stratification in India: a) History of Social Stratification. b) Varna and Caste System. Unit 3. Dr. Ambedkar’s Theories of Caste : a) Theory of Origin of Caste. b) Structure of Caste. c) Caste - Class Theory. d) Eradication of Caste System. Unit 4. Social Problems : a) Status of Women. b) Problems of Minority. c) Prostitution. d) Alcoholism. d) Caste – Conflict. e) National Integration. REFERENCE BOOKS : 1) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writing and Speeches Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 17-1&2, 18- 1,2,3, Education Deptt. Govt. of Maharashtra. 2) Dr. Jatav, D.R. – Social Philosophy of Ambedkar 3) Mechael Mahar (Ed.) – Untouchables in Contemporary India. 4) Bharill, Chandra – Social and Political Ideas of B.R. Ambedkar. 5) MkW- tkVo Mh- vkj- & MkW- vkacsMdj dk lektn”kZu] fQfuDl ifCyf”kax gkÅl- 6½ MkW- QMds] Hkkypanz & MkW- vkacsMdj ;kaps lkekftd fopkj- 7½ MkW- vkxykos] iznhi & lekt”kkL=K MkW- ckcklkgsc vkacsMdj] lqxkok izdk”ku] ukxiwj- 8½ MkW- vkxykos] iznhi & lekt”kkL=h MkW- ckcklkgc vEcsMdj] lE;d izdk”ku] fnYyh- 9½ [kSjeksMs] pka Hk- & MkW- fHkejko jketh vkacsMdj] pfj= ¼[kaM 1 rs 9½- 10½ MkW- QMds] ;- fn- & vkacsMdjh pGoG-
PAPER – II (A) EDUCATIONAL THOUGHT Unit 1. Meaning and Importance of Education: a) Meaning and Objectives of Education. b) Importance of Education. Unit 2. Education System in Vedic Period: a) Curriculum and objectives of Vedic education. b) Eeffects of Vedic education on social life. c) Dr. Ambedkar’s views on Vedic Education. Unit 3. Education in Buddhist Period: a) Curriculum and objectives of Buddhist education. b) Education and social change in Buddhist period. d) Effects of Buddhist education on social life. e) Buddhist Universities in ancient India – i.e. Takshsheela, Nalanda, Vikramsheela & Nagarjun University etc. f) Comparative study of Buddhist and Vedic education. Unit 4. Education in Muslim And British Period: a) Impact of Muslim education on Indian Society. b) Impact of British education on Indian Society. REFERENCE BOOKS :
1) Dr. Ambedkar Writing and Speeches, Vol. II.
2) Bhikshu Sanghrakshit – Buddhist Education.
3) Enubackar – Modern Theories of Education.
4) Mathew – History of Education.
5) Naike, Narulla – History of Education.
6) Dr. Altekar, A.S. – Ancient Education.
7) Naik, J. P. - History of Indian Education.
8) Arora, K. L. - Education in the Emerging Indian Society.
9) Bhatia, B. D. - The Theory and Principles of Education.
10) Mani, R. S. – Educational Ideas and Ideals of Eminent Indian.
11) Mohanty, J. – Indian Education in the Emerging Society.
12) Gore, N. S. – Education and Modernization in India.
13) Mathur, S. S. – A Sociological Approach to Indian Education.
14) Mukharji Radhakumud – Universities Education in India.
15½ [kSjeksMs] pka Hk- & MkW- fHkejko jketh vkacsMdj] pfj= ¼[kaM 1 rs 9½- 16½ izk- ?kksMsLokj] nsfonkl & ¼laikfnr½ nfyrkaps f”k{k.k] lerk lSfud ny] izdk”ku] ukxiwj- 17½ iokj] uk- x- & Hkkjrh; f”k{k.k {ks=krhy vk/kqfud fopkj izokg- 18½ HkkLdj vkuan & Hkkjrh; f”k{k.kkps cgqtuhdj.k- 19½ vdksydj] x- fo- & egkjk"Vªkrhy f”k{k.kkph okVpky
PAPER – III DR. AMBEDKAR ON LITERATURE Unit 1. Dr. Ambedkar’s Critique of Literature:
a) Ancient Literature : i) Vedic Literature ii) Pali Tipitaka.
b) Medieval Saints : Kabir, Rohidas, Tukaram, Chokhamela
c) Dr. Ambedkar’s Views on the Role of Literature in Social Life.
Unit 2. Essayist Dr. Ambedkar’ : Salient Features of His Writings – a) Annihilation of Caste. b) Buddha or Karl Marx. c) Rise and Down Fall of Hindu Women. d) Ranade, Gandhi and Jinnah. e) The Buddha and future of his religion. Unit 3. Journalist Dr. Ambedkar : Salient Features of His Journalism: (Editorial and Other Writings in Muknayk, Bahishkrut Bharat and Janata) Unit 4. Dr. Ambedkar on Literature as source of history : Analysis of the literary work by Dr. Ambedkar writing a view to throw light on the historical traditions with special reference to the following : a) Revolution and Counter – Revolution in Indian History. b) Riddles in Hinduism. (N.B.:- Emphasis is expected to be on the literary aspects and trends). REFERENCE BOOKS :
1) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writing and Speeches, Vol. 1,3,9,19,20
2) Zelliot Eleanor – An Anthology of Dalit Literature.
3½ MkW- euksgj] ;”koar & fuca/kdkj MkW- ckcklkgsc vkacsMdj- 4½ MkW- euksgj] ;”koar & vkacsMdjoknh ejkBh lkfgR;] fHkejRu izdk”ku] ukxiwj] 1999- 5½ MkW- ikurko.ks] xaxk/kj & Ik=dkj MkW- vkacsMdj- 6½ MkW- ikurko.ks] xaxk/kj & nfyr lkfgR; ppkZ vkf.k fparu] lkdsr izdk”ku] vkSjaxkckn] 1993- 7½ fgojkGs] lq[kjke & yksdi=dkj MkW- vkacsMdj- 8½ [kjkr] “kadjjko & ¼laikfnr½ vkacsMdjkaph Ik=s- 9½ x.kohj] jRukdj & ¼laikfnr½ foyk;rsgwu Ik=s- 10½ MkW- oku[ksMs] e- uk- & nfyrkaps fonzksgh okM~%e;- 11½ MkW- ok?kekjs] tukZnu & fuxzks lkfgR; vkf.k laLd`rh- 12½ ckxwy] ckcwjko & nfyr lkfgR; vktps ØkarhfoKku- 13½ MkW- QMds] Hkkypanz & nfyr lkfgR; % osnuk vkf.k fonzksg- 14½ fuackGdj] okeu & nfyr lkfgR; % Lo:Ik o Hkwfedk- 15½ fyackGs] “kj.kdqekj & nfyr lkfgR;] izpkj izdk”ku] dksYgkiwj- 16½ [kjkr] “kadjjko & nfyr lkfgR; % izsj.kk o izo`Ÿkh- 17½ MkaxGs] vtqZu & ¼laik-½ nfyr lkfgR; % ,d vH;kl-
18 MkW- ckcklkgsc vkacsMdjkaps cfg"d`r Hkkjr vkf.k eqduk;d & f”k{k.k foHkkx] egkjk"Vª “kklu] eqacbZ- PAPER – IV The students are required to choose any one of the following papers. Paper IV : Optional papers. Constitutionalism and Indian Constitution (A) OR Research Methodology (A) CONSTITUTIONALISM AND INDIAN CONSTITUTION (A) Unit 1. Dr. Ambedkar on Reorganization of States and Federal System in India Unit 2. Constitutionalism : a) Meaning, Scope & Importance. b) Objectives of Constitution in Indian context. c) Constitutional History of India – 1909, 1919, 1935 d) Nature of the Indian Constitution. Unit 3. Dr. Ambedkar’s Memorandum to the constituent Assembly on behalf of Scheduled Castes Federation. Unit 4. Dr. Ambedkar’s Views on Secularism and Secularism in the Indian Constitution. REFERENCE BOOKS :-
1) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings and Speeches, Vol. 13. (Constituent Assembly Debates) Education Department of Maharashtra, Bombay.
2) Rao, B.N. – Indian Constitution in the Making.
3) Kusum – Dr. Ambedkar and Constitution of India.
4) Basu, D. D. – Comments on the Constitution of India.
5) Gwyer Mauries and Appadorai – Speeches and Documents of the Indian Constitution, Vol. 1, 2 (Oxford).
6) Bhatia, K. L. – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Social Justice and the Indian Constitution.
7) Ahir, D. C. – The Legacy of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
8) Ahir, D. C. – Indian Constitution.
9) Dr. Sandanshiv – Indian Constitution and Social Justice, Milind Law College, Publication.
10) Krishna, K. B. – The Problem of Minorities of Communal Representation in India.
11) Saksena, H. C. – Safeguards for Scheduled Castes and Tribes.
12) Agrawal, P. C. – Equality Through Privileges.
13) Galanter Mare – Competing Equalities.
14½ MkW- tkVo] Mh- vkj- & MkW- vkacsMdj dk fo/kh n”kZu-
15½ MkW- tkVo] Mh- vkj- & MkW- vkacsMdj] lafo/kku ds eq[; fuekZrk- 16½ MkW- dlcs] jkolkgsc & MkW- vkacsMdj vkf.k Hkkjrh; jkT;?kVuk- OR Research Methodology (A) Unit 1. Nature of Social Research:- a) Meaning and significance of Social Research b) Method of Social Research. c) Bearing of empirical research and theory on each other. Unit 2. Hypothesis:- a) Meaning and Characteristics of Hypothesis b) Sources of hypothesis c) Qualities of a workable or good hypothesis. Unit 3. Research Design:- a) Meaning and Objects of Research Design b) Steps of Research Design c) Type of Research Design - Exploratory, Descriptive, Diagnostic and Experimental Research Design. Unit 4. Sampling:- a) Meaning of Sampling b) Main steps of Sampling c) Advantages and Disadvantages of Sampling d) Types of Sampling. REFERENCE BOOKS :- 1. Merton, Robert: Social Theory and Social Structure. 2. Goode, W.& Hatt. P : Methods in Social Research. 3. Jahoda, M. Deutsch & Cook : Research Methods in Social Relation. 4. Festinger, L.D. & Katz, D.(ed.) : Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences. 5. Modge, J. : The Tools of Social Sciences. 6. Young, P. : Scientific Social Surveys and Research. 7. P. Saravanavel, Research Methodology. 8. Bose Pradip Kumar : Research Methodology, New Delhi, ICCSR. 9. D.A. Devaus, 1986 : Sarveys in Social Research, London. 10. Punch, Keith 1986: Introduction to Social Research, London. 11. Mukherjee P.N. 2000 : Methodology in Social Research. 12. MkW- iznhi vkxykos & lkekftd la”kks/ku Ik/nrh] Jh lkbZukFk izdk”ku] ukxiwj-
M.A. (Ambedkar Thought) Examination 2nd Semester PAPER – I (B) SOCIAL THOUGHT Unit 1. Dr. Ambedkar’s Theories on Untouchability : a) Nature of Untouchability. b) Theory of Broken Men. c) Theories on the Origin of Untouchability d) Eradication of Untouchability. Unit 2. Conversion to Buddhism and Its Impact : a) Reasons of Conversion. b) Grounds for Embracing Buddhism. c) Impact of Conversion on People. Unit 3. Dynamics of Social Change : a) Concept Nature and Types of Social Change. b) Social Mobility. Unit 4. Ambedkarite Movement : a) Perspective of Ambedkar Movement. b) Concept of Social Justice. c) Social Revoluation. REFERENCE BOOKS :- 1) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writing and Speeches Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 17-1&2, 18- 1,2,3, Education Deptt. Govt. of Maharashtra. 2) Dr. Jatav, D.R. – Social Philosophy of Ambedkar 3) Mechael Mahar (Ed.) – Untouchables in Contemporary India. 4) Narayan and Ahir – Dr. Ambedkar, Buddhism and Social Change. 5) Zelliot, Eleanor – Dr. Ambedkar’s Movement in India. 6) Bharill, Chandra – Social and Political Ideas of B.R. Ambedkar. 7) MkW- tkVo Mh- vkj- & MkW- vkacsMdj dk lektn”kZu] fQfuDl ifCyf”kax gkÅl- 8½ MkW- vkxykos] iznhi & lekt”kkL=K MkW- ckcklkgsc vkacsMdj] lqxkok izdk”ku] ukxiwj- 9½ MkW- vkxykos] iznhi & lekt”kkL=h MkW- ckcklkgc vEcsMdj] lE;d izdk”ku] fnYyh- 10½ [kSjeksMs] pka Hk- & MkW- fHkejko jketh vkacsMdj] pfj= ¼[kaM 1 rs 9½- 11½ MkW- QMds] ;- fn- & vkacsMdjh pGoG
PAPER – II (B) EDUCATIONAL THOUGHT Unit 1. Educational Theories in the Context of Dr. Ambedkar’s Thought:
a) Idealism in Education.
b) Pragmatism in Education.
c) Naturalism in Education.
Unit 2. Dr. Ambedkar on Education : a) Primary, Secondary and Higher Education. b) Technical and Vocational Education. c)Women’sEducation. d) Cultural Education & Moral Education. Unit 3. Dr. Ambedkar on Indian Educational System : a) Dr. Ambedkar’s Critique on the Indian Educational System. b) Education of Deprived & Backward Classes. c) Dr. Ambedkar’s Massage for Students & Teachers Unit 4. Educational Thought and Work:
d) Educational Work of Dr. Ambedkar.
e) Educational Thought and Work of Jyotirao Phuley.
f) Educational Thought & Work of Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj.
REFERENCE BOOKS :- 1) Dr. Ambedkar Writing and Speeches, Vol. II. 2) Bhikshu Sanghrakshit – Buddhist Education.
3) Enubackar – Modern Theories of Education.
4) Mathew – History of Education.
5) Naike, Narulla – History of Education.
6) Dr. Altekar, A.S. – Ancient Education.
7) Naik, J. P. - History of Indian Education.
8) Arora, K. L. - Education in the Emerging Indian Society.
9) Bhatia, B. D. - The Theory and Principles of Education.
10) Mani, R. S. – Educational Ideas and Ideals of Eminent Indian.
11) Mohanty, J. – Indian Education in the Emerging Society.
12) Gore, N. S. – Education and Modernization in India.
13) Mathur, S. S. – A Sociological Approach to Indian Education.
14) Mukharji Radhakumud – Universities Education in India.
15½ [kSjeksMs] pka Hk- & MkW- fHkejko jketh vkacsMdj] pfj= ¼[kaM 1 rs 9½- 16½ izk- ?kksMsLokj] nsfonkl & ¼laikfnr½ nfyrkaps f”k{k.k] lerk lSfud ny] izdk”ku] ukxiwj- 17½ e- Qqys lexz okM~%e; & egkjk"Vª jkT;] eqacbZ- 18½ Qqys xkSjo xzaFk & ¼laikfnr½ egkjk"Vª jkT;] f”k{k.k foHkkx] ea=ky;] eqacbZ- 19½ iokj] uk- x- & Hkkjrh; f”k{k.k {ks=krhy vk/kqfud fopkj izokg- 20½ HkkLdj vkuan & Hkkjrh; f”k{k.kkps cgqtuhdj.k- 21½ vdksydj] x- fo- & egkjk"Vªkrhy f”k{k.kkph okVpky-
PAPER – III Impact of Dr. Ambedkar on Modern Literature Unit 1. Ambedkarite literature in Marathi: Shivram Janba Kamble, Gopalbaba Walangkar, Bandhu Madao, Shankrrao Kharat & Annabhau Sathe Unit 2. a) Ambedkarite Poetry: Various Trends b) Ambedkarite Short Stories : Features. c) Ambedkarite Theatre : Continuity and Change Unit 3. Ambedkarite Autobiograpies : Its Contribution to Marathi Literature. Unit 4. Ambedkarite literature in Other Indian Languages. (Translations available in Marathi, Hindi and English). REFERENCE BOOKS :- 1) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writing and Speeches, Vol. 1,3,9,19,20 2) Zelliot Eleanor – An Anthology of Dalit Literature. 3½ MkW- euksgj] ;”koar & fuca/kdkj MkW- ckcklkgsc vkacsMdj- 4½ MkW- euksgj] ;”koar & vkacsMdjoknh ejkBh lkfgR;] fHkejRu izdk”ku] ukxiwj] 1999- 5½ MkW- ikurko.ks] xaxk/kj & Ik=dkj MkW- vkacsMdj- 6½ MkW- ikurko.ks] xaxk/kj & nfyr lkfgR; ppkZ vkf.k fparu] lkdsr izdk”ku] vkSjaxkckn] 1993- 7½ fgojkGs] lq[kjke & yksdi=dkj MkW- vkacsMdj- 8½ [kjkr] “kadjjko & ¼laikfnr½ vkacsMdjkaph Ik=s- 9½ x.kohj] jRukdj & ¼laikfnr½ foyk;rsgwu Ik=s- 10½ MkW- oku[ksMs] e- uk- & nfyrkaps fonzksgh okM~%e;- 11½ MkW- ok?kekjs] tukZnu & fuxzks lkfgR; vkf.k laLd`rh- 12½ ckxwy] ckcwjko & nfyr lkfgR; vktps ØkarhfoKku- 13½ MkW- QMds] Hkkypanz & nfyr lkfgR; % osnuk vkf.k fonzksg- 14½ fuackGdj] okeu & nfyr lkfgR; % Lo:Ik o Hkwfedk- 15½ fyackGs] “kj.kdqekj & nfyr lkfgR;] izpkj izdk’ku] dksYgkiwj- 16½ [kjkr] “kadjjko & nfyr lkfgR; % izsj.kk o izo`Ÿkh- 17½ MkaxGs] vtqZu & ¼laik-½ nfyr lkfgR; % ,d vH;kl- 18 MkW- ckcklkgsc vkacsMdjkaps cfg"d`r Hkkjr vkf.k eqduk;d & f”k{k.k foHkkx] egkjk"Vª “kklu] eqacbZ-
PAPER – IV The students are required to choose any one of the following papers. Paper IV : Optional papers. (a) Constitutionalism and Indian Constitution (B) (b) Research Methodology (B) CONSTITUTIONALISM AND INDIAN CONSTITUTION (B) Unit 1. Dr. Ambedkar’s Views on the Constitutional Framework of Democracy : a) Elections and Parliamentary Democracy. b) Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles and Human Rights. c) Separation of Power. d) Provision of Emergency. Unit 2. Dr. Ambedkar’s Views on Common Civil Code, Hindu Code Bill and the Judicial System in India. Unit 3. Dr. Ambedkar on the Safeguard for Minorities and Weaker Sections in India. a) Theory of Preferential Treatment (Affirmative action) b) Reservation to SCs / STs and Other Backward Classes under Indian constitution. Unit 4. Dr. Ambedkar’s Concept on Constitutional Morality. REFERENCE BOOKS :- 1) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings and Speeches, Vol. 13. (Constituent Assembly Dabates) Education Department of Maharashtra, Bombay. 2) Rao, B.N. – Indian Constitution in the Making. 3) Kusum – Dr. Ambedkar and Constitution of India. 4) Basu, D. D. – Comments on the Constitution of India. 5) Gwyer Mauries and Appadorai – Speeches and Documents of the Indian Constitution, Vol. 1, 2 (Oxford). 6) Bhatia, K. L. – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Social Justice and the Indian Constitution. 7) Ahir, D. C. – The Legacy of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. 8) Ahir, D. C. – Indian Constitution. 9) Dr. Sandanshiv – Indian Constitution and Social Justice, Milind Law College, Publication. 10) Krishna, K. B. – The Problem of Minorities of Communal Representation in India. 11) Saksena, H. C. – Safeguards for Scheduled Castes and Tribes. 12) Agrawal, P. C. – Equality Through Privileges. 13) Galanter Mare – Competing Equalities. 14½ MkW- tkVo] Mh- vkj- & MkW- vkacsMdj dk fo/kh n”kZu- 15½ MkW- tkVo] Mh- vkj- & MkW- vkacsMdj] lafo/kku ds eq[; fuekZrk-
16½ MkW- dlcs] jkolkgsc & MkW- vkacsMdj vkf.k Hkkjrh; jkT;?kVuk- OR Research Methodology (B) Unit 1. Methods of data collection: a) Observation: Meaning and Kinds of Observation. Importance of Observation, Limitations of observation in Social research. b) Questionnare: Characteristics of a good Questionnaire, Types of Questionnaire, Advantage and limitations of Questionnaire Method. c) Interview: Types of Interview, Importance and limitations of Interview Method in Social Research. d) Case study Method: Characteristics of Case Study Method. Sources of Information in Case Study Methods. Unit 2. Analysis and Interpretation of Data and Report Writing: a) Editing, Coding, Tabulation & Analysis. b) Preparation of Research Report. Unit 3. Modern Trends in Social Research, Statistical & Computer Application: a) Measures of Central Tendency:- Mean, Median and Mode. b) Measures of Dispersion or Deviation c) Co-relational Analysis. d) Application of computers in Social Research. Unit 4. Scaling Techniques & Problems of Measurement: a) The Bogardus social distance scale b) Sociometric scale. c) Validity and reliability in Social Research. REFERENCE BOOKS :- 1. Goode, W.& Hatt. P : Methods in Social Research. 2. Jahoda, M. Deutsch & Cook : Research Methods in Social Relation. 3. Festinger, L.D. & Katz, D.(ed.) : Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences. 4. Modge, J. : The Tools of Social Sciences. 5. Young, P. : Scientific Social Surveys and Research. 6. P. Saravanavel, Research Methodology. 7. Bose Pradip Kumar : Research Methodology, New Delhi, ICCSR. 8. D.A. Devaus, 1986 : Sarveys in Social Research, London. 9. Punch, Keith 1986: Introduction to Social Research, London. 10. Mukherjee P.N. 2000 : Methodology in Social Research. 11. MkW- iznhi vkxykos & lkekftd la”kks/ku Ik/nrh] Jh lkbZukFk izdk”ku] ukxiwj-
M.A. (Ambedkar Thought) Examination 3rd Semester PAPER – I (A) ECONOMIC THOUGHT Unit 1. Critical Analysis of Economic Structure of Indian Society by Dr. Ambedkar : a) Economics of Caste b) Economics of Untouchability c) Economic conditions of the downtrodden in Indian society. Unit 2. Dr. Ambedkar’s Thought on Economic life of Buddhism, Comparative Economic Thoughts of Buddhism and Marxism. Unit 3. Dr. Ambedkar’s Researches in Economics: Problems of Currency and Taxation : Unit 4. Dr. Ambedkar’s Economic Thought : a) Capitalism b) Marxism c) Gandhism. d) Critical Analysis of Dr. Ambedkar’s Economic Thought and its Relevance Today. REFERENCE BOOKS :-
1) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writing and Speeches, Vol. 1,2,3,6,9,10.
2) Bhagwan Das (Edited) – Gandhi and Gandhism – Dr. Ambedkar, Bhim Patrika Publications, Jallunder, 1920.
3) Dr. Kasare, M. L. – Philosophy of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, B.I. Publication, New Delhi, 1996.
4) Permaiah, P. K., Sateesh Reddy – Dr. Ambedkar’s Economic Philosophy, Delta Pub. House, New Delhi, 1994.
5) Dongre, M. K. – Economic Thought of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
6) Dr. Mangudkar, M.P. – Dr. Ambedkar and Family Planning, Poona, 1976.
7) Bhagwan Das (Edited) – Thus Spoke Ambedkar’s - Vols. II, III, Ambedkar Sahitya Prakashan, Banglore.
8) Kamble, N. G., Kamble, K. M., Dr. Kasare – Essential of Dr. Ambedkar.
9½ MkW- dlcs] jkolkgsc & vkacsMdj vkf.k ekDlZ- 10½ MkW- [kkansokys] us:jdj & vFkZ”kkL=h; iz.kkyhpk bfrgkl] fo|k cqDl] vkSjaxkckn- 11½ MkW- tk/ko] ujsanz & MkW- vkacsMdjkaps vkfFkZd fopkj] lqxkok izdk”ku] iq.ks-
PAPER – II (A) RELIGIOUS THOUGHT Unit 1. Background of Dr. Ambedkar’s Religious Thought:
a) Vedic Religion and its Social Implications
b) Critics Vedic Religion
c) Religion and Class
d) Religion and Varna
e) Religion and Caste
Unit 2. Dr. Ambedkar Views on : a) Religion and Untouchability b) Religion and Society. c) Buddhism and Women d) Buddhism and Humanity. Unit 3. Dr. Ambedkar Views on: a) Buddhism and Democracy b) Distinction between Dharma and Dhamma, c) Saddharma d) Adharma. Unit 4. Dr. Ambedkar Views on: a) - i) Buddha & Karl Marx ii) Sikhism and Islam b) - i) Ethical and moral Values in Buddhism. ii) Reasons for decline of Buddhism from India. REFERENCE BOOKS :
1) Dr. Ambedkar, B. R. – The Buddha and His Dhamma.
2) Dr. Ambedkar Writings and Speeches, Vol. 3,11,17,18 Education Department, Govt. of Maharashtra, Bombay.
3) Narsu, N. L. – Essence of Buddhism.
4) Dr. Ahir, D.C. – Revival of Buddhism.
5) Wilkinson, T. S. (Edited) – Dr. Ambedkar and the New Buddhist Movement.
6) Tagde Shyam – Bodhisatta Ambedkar’s Buddha Dhamma Mission, Pradhya Maitri Pratistan
7) Dr. Ramteke, D. L. – Revival of Buddhism in India.
8) Dr. Bapat – 2500 Years of Buddhism.
9½ MkW- dkSlY;k;u] Hknar vkuan & ckS/n /keZ dh cq/nhoknh leh{kk- 10½ jtuhdkar “kkL=h & fganw tkrh dk mRFkku vkSj iru- 11½ dkslach] /kekZuan & cq/n/keZ vkf.k la?k- 12½ lkaLd`R;k;u] jkgwy & n”kZu fnXn”kZu- 13½ MkW- dkSlY;k;u] Hknar vkauan & n”kZu- 14½ MkW- tkVo] Mh- vkj- & MkW- vkacsMdj dk /keZn”kZu- 15½ MkW- tkVo] Mh- vkj- & cq/n vkSj ckS/n n”kZu- 16½ ujsanz nso & ckS/n n”kZu- 17½ MkW- mik/;k;] Hkjrflag & ckS/n n”kZu rFkk vU; Hkkjrh; n”kZu- 18½ MkW- mik/;k;] Hkjrflag & ikyh lkfgR; dk bfrgkl- 19½ MkW- foeyfdrhZ & ckS/n /keZ ds fodkl esa MkW- vkacsMdj dk ;ksxnku-
PAPER – III (A) POLITICAL THOUGHT Unit 1. A) Ideological Foundations of Dr. Ambedkar’s Political Philosophy.
a) Buddhism
b) Marxism
c) Idealism
d) Liberalism
B) Dr. Ambedkar on Law and Social Change.
a) The Concept of Law.
b) Various Schools of Law
c) Social Change
d) Social Revolution
Unit 2. A) Dr. Ambedkar’s Views on Nature of Government and Its Sphere of and Function of Government.
e) Forms of Government
f) Federal Structure of Govt.
g) Unitary Structure of Govt.
h) Functions of Govt.
i) Constitutional Morality
B) Dr. Ambedkar on Party System
a) Role of Opposition Party in Parliamentry democracy
b) Aims and Objects of Indepantant labour Party.
c) Aims and Objects of R.P.I.
Unit 3. Dr. Ambedkar on Human Rights.
j) Concept of Human Rights
k) Human Rights of Untouchables in India.
l) Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
m) Civil and Political Rights of 1966.
Unit 4. Dr. Ambedkar on Nation and Nationalism.
n) Political Independence
o) Political Integration
p) Secular Nationalism
q) Hindu-Muslim Problems.
1) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings and Speeches, Vol. 1,2,8,9,10,13.
2) Dr. Jatav – The Political Philosophy of Dr. Ambedkar, Phoenix Publishing Agency, Agra.
3) Rajashekharriya – Dr. Ambedkar’s Politics of Emancipation.
4) Bharil Chandra – Social and Political Ideas of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
5) Dr. Lokhande, G.S. – A Study in Social Democracy.
6) Ahir, D.C. – Gandhi and Ambedkar, Ajay Prakashan, New Delhi, 1969.
7) Bhagwan Das – Thus Spoke of Dr. Ambedkar Vol. I, II, III, IV.
8½ MkW- dlcs] jkolkgsc & Hkkjrh; jkT;?kVuk vkf.k MkW- vkacsMdj- 9½ MkW- dqcsj] ok-uk- & vkacsMdj fopkj eaFku] iq.ks- 10½ MkW- HkksGs] Hkk- y- & vk/kqfud Hkkjrkrhy jktdh; fopkj-
11½ MkW- xtfHk;s] “ks"kjkt & MkW- vkacsMdjkaps jktdh; rŸoKku] ,l- ds- iCyhds”ku] ukxiwj- 12½ MkW- tkVo] Mh- vkj- & jk"Vªh; vkanksyu esa MkW- vkacsMdj dh Hkqfedk] lerk lkfgR; lnu] t;iwj- PAPER – IV (A) Dr. Ambedkar on Historicism Unit 1. Dr. Ambedkar on Historicism: Sources, Importance and Philosophy of History, His Approach towards Indian History. Unit 2. Dr. Ambedkar on Historicism:
a) Ancient period : Revolution and Counter-Revoluation in Ancient
Indian History, Slavery.
b) Medieval period – Rajput, Sultanl.
c) Modern period – British Rule.
Unit 3. History of Untouchability, History of Mahar Regiment. Unit 4. Ambedkarite Historical Method:
d) Characteristics of Ambedkarite Historical Method
e) Dr. Ambedkar as Historian.
1) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writing and Speeches, Vols. 1,3,4,5,7,8,9,12.
2) Dr. Jatav, D. R. – Dr. Ambedkar’s Role in National Movement.
3½ MkW- ujsanz xk;dokM & MkW- ckcklkgsc vkacsMdjkaps futke LVsVojhy fopkj- 4½ MkW- tkVo] Mh- vkj- & jk"Vªh; vkanksyu esa MkW- vkacsMdj dh Hkwfedk- 5½ [kSjeksMs] pk- Hk- & MkW- Hkhejko jketh vkacsMdj] pfj= ¼[kaM 5] 6] 7] 8½ 6½ MkW- vkSpjey] ,y- ok;- & vkacsMdjoknh lkfgR; vkf.k bfrgkl i/nr] oSHko izdk”ku eaMG] mYgkl uxj] eqacbZ-
M.A. (Ambedkar Thought) Examination 4rd Semester PAPER – I (B) ECONOMIC THOUGHT Unit 1. a) Economic Analysis of Dr. Ambedkar’s State Socialism. b) Economic Policies in Directive Principles. Unit 2. Dr. Ambedkar Thoughts on:
a) Poverty
b) Unemployment
c) Rural Development.
d) Nationalisation.
Unit 3. Dr. Ambedkar’s Contribution on:
a) Water Management
b) Development of Electricity
c) Population Problem and Family Planning
d) Labour welfare
Unit 4. Dr. Ambedkar’s Thoughts on:
a) Mahar Watan - Slavery.
b) Land Reform
c) Bonded Labour
d) Planning
REFERENCE BOOKS :- 1) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writing and Speeches, Vol. 1,2,3,6,9,10. 2) Bhagwan Das (Edited) – Gandhi and Gandhism – Dr. Ambedkar, Bhim Patrika Publications, Jallunder, 1920.
3) Dr. Kasare, M. L. – Philosophy of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, B.I. Publication,
New Delhi, 1996.
4) Permaiah, P. K., Sateesh Reddy – Dr. Ambedkar’s Economic
Philosophy, Delta Pub. House, New Delhi, 1994. 5) Dongre, M. K. – Economic Thought of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. 6) Dr. Mangudkar, M.P. – Dr. Ambedkar and Family Planning, Poona, 1976. 7) Bhagwan Das (Edited) – Thus Spoke Ambedkar’s - Vols. II, III, Ambedkar Sahitya Prakashan, Banglore. 8½ MkW- dlcs] jkolkgsc & vkacsMdj vkf.k ekDlZ- 9½ MkW- [kkansokys] us:jdj & vFkZ”kkL=h; iz.kkyhpk bfrgkl] fo|k cqDl] vkSjaxkckn- 10½ MkW- tk/ko] ujsanz & MkW- vkacsMdjkaps vkfFkZd fopkj] lqxkok izdk”ku] iq.ks-
PAPER – II (B) RELIGIOUS THOUGHT Unit 1. Dr. Ambedkar Views on:
a) Renouncement (Grihatyaga) of Siddhartha
b) Anishwaravada,
c) Anatmavad,
d) Anityata
Unit 2. Dr. Ambedkar’s Views on:
a) Four Noble Truths (Four Arya Satyas)
b) Pratitya Samutpada
c) Arya Ashtangik Marga
d) Nirvana
Unit 3. Dr. Ambedkar’s Views on:
a) Kamma-Siddhant
b) Rebirth
c) Ten Parmita
d) Buddhism & Science.
Unit 4. Dr. Ambedkar’s Views on Buddhlist Thinkers:
a) Nagsen,
b) Vasubandhu
c) Nagarjun
d) Dignag
e) Dhammkirti
REFERENCE BOOKS : 1) Dr. Ambedkar, B. R. – The Buddha and His Dhamma. 2) Dr. Ambedkar Writings and Speeches, Vol. 3,11,17,18 Education Department, Govt. of Maharashtra, Bombay. 3) Narsu, N. L. – Essence of Buddhism. 4) Dr. Ahir, D.C. – Revival of Buddhism. 5) Wilkinson, T. S. (Edited) – Dr. Ambedkar and the New Buddhist Movement. 6) Tagde Shyam – Bodhisatta Ambedkar’s Buddha Dhamma Mission, Pradhya Maitri Pratistan 7) Dr. Ramteke, D. L. – Revival of Buddhism in India. 8) Dr. Bapat – 2500 Years of Buddhism. 9½ MkW- dkSlY;k;u] Hknar vkuan & ckS/n /keZ dh cq/nhoknh leh{kk- 10½ jtuhdkar “kkL=h & fganw tkrh dk mRFkku vkSj iru- 11½ dkslach] /kekZuan & cq/n/keZ vkf.k la?k- 12½ lkaLd`R;k;u] jkgwy & n”kZu fnXn”kZu- 13½ MkW- dkSlY;k;u] Hknar vkauan & n”kZu- 14½ MkW- tkVo] Mh- vkj- & MkW- vkacsMdj dk /keZn”kZu- 15½ MkW- tkVo] Mh- vkj- & cq/n vkSj ckS/n n”kZu- 16½ ujsanz nso & ckS/n n”kZu- 17½ MkW- mik/;k;] Hkjrflag & ckS/n n”kZu rFkk vU; Hkkjrh; n”kZu- 18½ MkW- mik/;k;] Hkjrflag & ikyh lkfgR; dk bfrgkl- 19½ MkW- foeyfdrhZ & ckS/n /keZ ds fodkl esa MkW- vkacsMdj dk ;ksxnku
PAPER – III (B) POLITICAL THOUGHT Unit 1. A) Dr. Ambedkar on Foreign Policy:
a) Dr. Ambedkar’s Thought on IInd Word War.
b) Dr. Ambedkar’s Thoughts on Pakistan.
c) Thought on Kasmir Problem.
d) Thought on Tibet, China, USSR. B) Dr. Ambedkar on Socialism: a) Concept of State Socialism b) Views on Socialism and State Socialism Unit 2. Gandhi and Ambedkar on Eradication of Untouchability and Communal Representation:
d) Views of Gandhi on Eradication of Untouchability and Communal Representation
e) Views of Dr. Ambedkar on Eradication of Untouchability and Communal Representation
f) Views of Dr. Ambedkar on Minorities
Unit 3. Dr. Ambedkar on Democracy :
g) Principles of Democracy
h) Nexus of Social and Economical Democracy
i) Conditions for Success of Democracy
Unit 4. Political Legacy of Dr. Ambedkar.
j) Republican Party of India
k) Politics of Emancipation
l) Limits of Liberalism
m) Buddhism
REFERENCE BOOKS : 1) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings and Speeches, Vol. 1,2,8,9,10,13. 2) Dr. Jatav – The Political Philosophy of Dr. Ambedkar, Phoenix Publishing Agency, Agra. 3) Rajashekharriya – Dr. Ambedkar’s Politics of Emancipation. 4) Bharil Chandra – Social and Political Ideas of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. 5) Dr. Lokhande, G.S. – A Study in Social Democracy. 6) Ahir, D.C. – Gandhi and Ambedkar, Ajay Prakashan, New Delhi, 1969. 7) Bhagwan Das – Thus Spoke of Dr. Ambedkar Vol. I, II, III, IV. 8½ MkW- dlcs] jkolkgsc & Hkkjrh; jkT;?kVuk vkf.k MkW- vkacsMdj- 9½ MkW- dqcsj] ok-uk- & vkacsMdj fopkj eaFku] iq.ks- 10½ MkW- HkksGs] Hkk- y- & vk/kqfud Hkkjrkrhy jktdh; fopkj- 11½ MkW- xtfHk;s] “ks"kjkt & MkW- vkacsMdjkaps jktdh; rŸoKku] ,l- ds- iCyhds”ku] ukxiwj- 12½ MkW- tkVo] Mh- vkj- & jk"Vªh; vkanksyu esa MkW- vkacsMdj dh Hkqfedk] lerk lkfgR; lnu] t;iwj
PAPER – IV (B) Dr. Ambedkar on Historicism Unit 1. Dr. Ambedkar’s Response to National Problems:
a) Nizam State
b) b) Kashmir Problem
c) Indo China Pact – 1954, Tibet - Buffer State,
d) Linguistic States. Unit 2. Dr. Ambedkar’s Thought on Partition of India. Unit 3. Dr. Ambedkar’s Patriotic role in Poona Pact. Unit 4. Dr. Ambedkar on the British Regime: His memorandums submitted to various commissions, i.e. Southborough Commission, Simon commission, Cripps Mission, Cabinet Mission etc. REFERENCE BOOKS : 1) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writing and Speeches, Vols. 1,3,4,5,7,8,9,12.
5) Dr. Jatav, D. R. – Dr. Ambedkar’s Role in national Movement.
3½ MkW- ujsanz xk;dokM & MkW- ckcklkgsc vkacsMdjkaps futke LVsVojhy fopkj- 4½ MkW- tkVo] Mh- vkj- & jk"Vªh; vkanksyu esa MkW- vkacsMdj dh Hkwfedk- 5½ [kSjeksMs] pk- Hk- & MkW- Hkhejko jketh vkacsMdj] pfj= ¼[kaM 5] 6] 7] 8½ 6½ MkgkV] /kujkt & MkW- vkacsMdj vkf.k dk”ehj leL;k] lkdsr izdk”ku- 7½ MkW- vkSpjey] ,y- ok;- & vkacsMdjoknh lkfgR; vkf.k bfrgkl i/nr] oSHko izdk”ku eaMG] mYgkl uxj] eqacbZ-

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