07 August, 2013

Siddhartha Gautama became Lord Budddha

The Discovery of a New Dhamma | Siddhartha Gautama became Lord Budddha

  • Gautama when he sat in meditation for getting new light was greatly in the grip of the Sankhya Philosophy.
  • That suffering and unhappiness in the world he thought was an incontrovertible fact.
  • Gautama was, however, interested in knowing how to do away with suffering. This problem the Sankhya Philosophy did not deal with.
  • It is, therefore, on this problem how to remove suffering and unhappiness that he concentrated his mind.
  • Naturally, the first question he asked himself was
" What are the causes of suffering and unhappiness which an individual undergoes?"
  • His second question was
" How to remove unhappiness ? "
  • To both these questions he got a right answer which is called 'Samma Bodhi'(Right Enlightenment).
  • It is because of this that the Banyan Tree has come to be known as the Bodhi Tree.
Buddha winning Mara

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