03 August, 2013

Buddhism Information, Remains of Buddha

Mulagandhakuti : The remains of Buddha's hut in Jetavana Monastery.

Mulagandhakuti : The remains of Buddha's hut in Jetavana Monastery.

  • Of the ancient Savatthi the city walls are still standing. 
  • Within these, the remains of 3 ancient buildings can be visited: Angulimala's stupa, Anathapindika's stupa, and an old temple dedicated to a Jain Tirthankara. 
  • Outside of Savatthi is located the stupa where the Twin Miracle (Pali:Yamaka Patihara) took place. 
  • The site of Jetavana monastery is the main pilgrim destination, with meditation and chanting mainly done at the Gandhakuti (Buddha's hut) and the Anandabodhi tree. 
  • Buddhist monasteries from the following countries have been constructed at Sravasti: Thailand, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Tibet and China.

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