25 May, 2013

Vesak ( Buddha Pornima ) in Sri Lanka

  • Vesak is celebrated as a religious and a cultural festival in Sri Lanka on the full moon of the lunar month of Vesak (usually in the Gregorian month of May), for about one week.
  • Celebrations include religious and alms-giving activities.
  • Electrically lit pandols called toranas are erected in locations mainly in Colombo, Kandy, Galle and elsewhere, most sponsored by donors, religious societies and welfare groups.
  • Each pandol illustrates a story from the 550 Jataka Katha or the 550 Past Life Stories of the Buddha.
  • In addition, colourful lanterns called Vesak koodu are hung along streets and in front of homes. They signify the light of the Buddha, Dharma and the Sangha.
  • Food stalls set up by Buddhist devotees called dansälas provide free food and drinks to passersby.
  • During this week, the selling of alcohol and fresh meat is usually prohibited, with abattoirs also being closed.
  • Groups of people from community organisations, businesses and government departments sing bhakti gee.
  • Colombo experiences a massive influx of people from all parts of the country during this week.

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