09 November, 2013

Conversion of Sumangala and other Low Castes. - Buddha and his dhamma,

:: 4. Conversion of Sumangala and other Low Castes. ::
1. Sumangala was a peasant of Shravasti. He earned his living by work in the fields, working with a little sickle, plough and spade. 
2. Channa was a native of Kapilavatsu and was a slave in the house of Suddhodana. 3. Dhanniya was a resident of Rajagraha. He was a potter. 
4. Kappata-Kura was a native of Shravasti. The only way he knew of, to support himself, was to go about, clad in rags, pan in hand, seeking for rice-grains. Hence he became known as Kappata-Kura—"Rags and-rice." When grown up, he maintained himself by selling grass. 
5. All of them sought from the Buddha permission to become Bhikkus and enter the Order. The Buddha without hesitation and without caring for their low birth or their previous condition, admitted them into the Order.

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