28 October, 2013

Why do people do all kinds of strange things in Buddhist temples?

QUESTION: Why do people do all kinds of strange things in Buddhist temples?
ANSWER: Many things seem strange to us when we don’t understand
them. Rather than dismiss such things as strange, we should try to find their meaning. However, it is true that some of the things Buddhists do have their origin in popular superstition and misunderstanding rather than the teaching of the Buddha. And such misunderstandings arc not found in Buddhism alone but creep into in all religions from time to time. The Buddha taught with clarity and in detail and if some people fail to understand fully, he cannot be blamed for that. There is a saying from the Buddhist scriptures:

 ‘1f a person suffering from a disease does hot seek treatment     even when there is a physician  at hand, it  is not the fault of the physician. In the same way, if a person is oppressed and     tormented by the disease of the defilement 's but dose not seek     the help of the Buddha, that is not the Buddha's fault’ Jn. 28—9 

Nor should Buddhism or any religion be judged by those who don’t practice it properly. If you wish to know the real teachings of Buddhism, read the Buddha’s words or speak to those who understand them properly.

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