31 October, 2013

What influence did Buddhism have on the countries it went to?

Question: What influence did Buddhism have on the countries it went to?
ANSWER: When missionary monks went to different countries they usually took more than just the Buddha’s teachings with them, they also brought SOC of the best aspects Of Indian civilization. Monks were sometimes skilled in medicine and introduced new medical ideas into areas where they had not existed before. Neither Sri Lanka, Tibet nor several regions of central Asia had writing until monks introduced it and of course with writing came new knowledge and ideas. Before the coming of Buddhism the Tibetans and the Mongolians were a wild tiredly people and Buddhism made them gentle and civilized. Even within India animal sacrifice went out of vogue because of Buddhism and the caste system became less harsh, at least for a while. Even today as Buddhism spreads in Europe and America modern Western psychology is starting to be influenced by some of its insights into the human mind.

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