25 May, 2013

Buddha Paurnima celebration 2011 : in Kalimpong ( West Bengal )

Buddha Paurnima celebration
  • Speaking on the occasion, HH Gyalwa Karmapa emphasised the auspiciousness of the event and talked about the benefits of the dharma - the Buddha's teaching - in creating peace and harmony in the world. He expressed his wish that the Buddha dharma might prevail in our world, for the benefit of all beings, as well as his hopes and aspirations for world peace.
  • Pujas of praise to Lord Buddha and the Sixteen Arhats were accompanied by different musical instruments. 
  • The entire atmosphere was highly energetic and spiritually captivating.
  • Further highlights included two sessions of teaching and an empowerment by HH Gyalwa Karmapa, as well as lively spiritual debates between students of Vikrama Shila Buddhist Institute at Pokhara, Nepal, and Shri Diwakar Buddhist Institute in Kalimpong, open to the general public and also attended by His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa along with the Rinpoches, Khenpos, lamas, monks and nuns.
  • On the final day of the three-day festival thousands of followers of the Karma Kagyu order of Tibeten Buddhism participated in a procession for World Peace across Kalimpong town. 
  • As a special highlight and culminating point, a four-storey-high thangka of Buddha Shakyamuni was displayed on Kalimpong's sports grounds. The hand-stitched image of Lord Buddha is 45 feet high and 30 feet wide. Offerings had been arranged in front of this representation of enlightenment, and all the devotees were given the opportunity to pay their respects to it and receive its powerful spiritual blessings.

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